
Capsisilence® breaks the vicious circle of chronic itching.

Pruritus (itching) is increasingly becoming a common disease. Mainly scalp itching is widespread. With the innovative ingredient Capsisilence®, cosmetics manufacturers can develop products that successfully help to relieve itching.

In the opinion of those affected, itching is certainly one of the most unpleasant physical reactions. Especially when the symptom known in medicine as pruritus occurs repeatedly and for a long time, i.e. chronically, it quickly becomes a physical and, above all, psychological torment that can have a major impact on everyday life and significantly reduce the quality of life. The causes of itching are varied and cannot always be determined beyond doubt. In addition, itching does not necessarily have to be associated with a serious underlying disease. The mechanisms of itching, on the other hand, have been extensively researched. It has been shown that the interplay between itching and the all-too-human reaction of scratching is particularly important for the successful treatment of chronic itching. Following the first impulse only relieves the acute itching for a very short time. At the same time, intensive scratching further damages the skin barrier and, in the worst case, can lead to inflammation, ultimately making the itching even worse. Only if it is possible to break this vicious circle and suppress the original itching at an early stage to prevent scratching, already damaged skin can regenerate.

Itchy scalp: more than just irritating.

Itching is generally widespread. In principle, it can affect the entire body, but experience has shown that some regions of the largest human organ, the skin, are particularly sensitive and therefore preferentially affected. This includes, above all, the scalp. Studies on the subject indicate that more than 40 percent of Germans regularly suffer from itchy scalps. Skin dryness due to incorrect care, skin diseases, irritation due to external influences, heat, cold or intolerance to care products, a disturbed scalp flora and even normal stress can affect the scalp and trigger the start of the vicious circle described above. In the worst-case scenario, the consequences of an itchy scalp can be fatal: excessive itching damages the scalp, dries it out further, can lead to injuries and inflammation and thus even to hair loss and permanently damage of the hair roots.

Clarifying causes, combating symptoms.

In addition to medical research into the causes and professional treatment of diagnosed underlying diseases, symptomatic treatment is the top priority for itchy scalps. Only if it is possible to suppress the itching, an exacerbation can be reliably prevented and the damaged skin allowed to recover.
Care products from many manufacturers promise relief, but repeatedly perform poorly in independent tests. It is not uncommon for examinations of classic anti-dandruff shampoos to even diagnose aggressive ingredients, which in turn cause additional damage to the scalp. The widely used active ingredient zinc pyrithione was only banned in the EU at the beginning of 2022 due to suspected reproductive toxicity. However, various surfactant combinations, additives and the silicone oils contained in many shampoos, which have no relevant effect but pose a risk to the environment, continue to be criticized.

Capsisilence®, the innovative solution from neuro-cosmetics.

The still young discipline of neuro-cosmetics combines scientific findings from neuroscience with many years of expertise in cosmetics and develops ingredients that are intended to help improve skin health.
With Capsisilence®, developed by the Spanish biotechnology company AntalGenics, PolyNeo offers an ingredient for hair care products that is able to break the itch-scratch cycle described above. The innovative product is based on the alkaloid capsaicin contained in chilies. Without developing its well-known burning heat, Capsisilence® reduces the activity of sensory nerve cells and blocks the transmission of itching to the brain. In studies, the itch-relieving effect was proven after just a few weeks of use. What's more, with regular use, this effect even lasted beyond use.
Combined with other valuable ingredients, Capsisilence® is suitable for the development of modern hair care products that promise reliable relief for a growing target group of consumers suffering from recurring or even chronic itching of the scalp.
"With rising environmental pollution, increased stress and an increase in other factors that can cause itchy scalps, the demand for effective care products is growing steadily," says Dr. Serk Naymann, Senior Business Development Manager at PolyNeo GmbH in Frankfurt am Main, the exclusive cooperation partner of AntalGenics. "With new, innovative products based on Capsisilence®, manufacturers can meet this demand reliably and efficiently in their own interests and in the interests of consumers."
Capsisilence® has already made an impression in international comparison: the global market research institute Mintel reports on the neuro-cosmetic ingredient in the current edition of its annual trend study "Beauty & Personal Care Trends" in the "Neuroglow" section.

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